A Small Trailer to show the game...
UI/UX, Gameplay and Audio Programmer
This Was the first project we made that was made outside of Unity, and instead we were introduced to TgA2D the game engine that the school provided for us.
The theme for the project was Shoot 'em up and this project was a blast!
Keep reading for more in-depth information about how I could contribute to the project
Player Movement and Bullet system

Together with one of my colleagues in school, Max, we started to make the Player movement, the idea behind the movement was fairly straightforward since its a 2D game, the bigger hurdle was instead that this was the first time we worked in an Entity Component System, this was created by Ivar, an absolutely Amazing Engines programmer that I was lucky to have in this group, and he also thought us how to work in the system.
and since it's a shmup we realized quite early on that a bullet system would be very much needed, so I and Max also started building that...
Main Menu
After setting up the basics on the bullet system Max took ownership of that system and I was instead allowed to start making the UI for the game, this was Awesome since that is where my passion is.
The major issue I had with this game was that it was designed around using an Xbox controller, so we both had to implement support for the controller, but we also had to keep in mind that there won´t be any mouse cursor in the game. so all designs had to be made accordingly.


Not much to say here, I made a Settings menu.
Hooked it up to the Engine so we could control the sound & the Resolution of the game.
Once again, the biggest problem here was the fact that you only had a controller/keyboard input and no mouse, this requires a different approach when building the framework. Turned out really good though.
Once the main menu was in an alpha state and we had a working framework I put my use into the audio manager, we created a singleton audio manager that we could access from everywhere to play sounds when needed.
in the same way, we also created a Game Manager that was responsible for all the data that we needed to move between levels and that needed to persist through death.

Ingame UI

Once the sound was working and implemented in a placeholder state I could move on to the in-game UI, this was fun! we wanted to create an easy, light UI that put your mind back to the 80s shmups, I´m really happy with the design that Max came up with (another Max, not the programmer, but the game graphics Max)
the mage that you play has 3 powers, so we wanted to show that on the HuD to the left by having a wheel turn based on the active power, to the right we had a shield that only recharged when using the blue power.
I also implemented pickups that boosted you, giving you immersive powers for a period, and then I made the points system and the Scroling combat text that shows the points you received for killing enemies.