A Rabbits Tale
Game Trailer...
2.5D Platformer
UI/UX and Gameplay Programmer
At this project, the school introduced us to a new Engine the "TGE". this was in itself a very challenging part since we were the first class to get our hands on this 3D engine and all the "features" and Challenges that this brought with it.
This was a fun project where the main focus for all the programmers where to get the Engine running as well as we could and wanted.
UI: Main Menu and HUD

My main focus on this project was to make the main menu system and also the in-game HUD, we had a vision together me and Arvid, who did all the art, that we wanted an interactive Main menu, so we worked mostly with sprite sheets and the intro cutscene was made from an image that we just panned the camera over, to tell a story, it was really nice. The major challenge on the main menu was that we had to thread the level loading since we wanted a smooth transition between the menu and the panning of the intro.
In Game Credits
We always get a Theme and a few reference games from the school, and we decided on a game that had in-game credits, and I really liked that, so I tried to implement it in a non-invasive way, Kinda happy with the result.
This was the first time I worked with fading in and out Images, and since we got this working, we did the same with a few of the HUD elements as well.

In Game Tutorial

I am not a big fan of the whole "Controls" tab in games, I kinda like the idea of playing a game and picking things up along the way.
So we implemented an "in-game" control system, so every time you got to a point where you needed a special ability you got a popup on the screen helping you out, and once you made the jump or dash the tutorial would disappear and never return.
Recap: The Rabbits Tale
This Game was somewhat of an experiment from the school, They wanted to introduce a new engine that they made and we were kind of the test subjects, and I really enjoyed that, because that made it feel a lot more like real life where you don´t get everything served and tested beforehand.
I was also very lucky to get into a really nice group of programmers, Not that I usually don´t since they are all awesome, but this particular time we got a group of, how to say, "more Senior Programmers", yeah, we were the old guys.
Somehow we managed to get all 30+ guys in one group. That doesn't have to be good, nor bad, but in this case, it was really nice since most of us took a very calm approach to the fact that the engine was new and untested with a lot of bugs, so we broke it all down to what needed to get done, who where the most suited to do it and then we divided the work well between us.
Together each week we Divided and Conquered everything that we needed and we made a pretty decent game.
Shout out to Oscar & Kevin for this!
(Unfortunately, the other 2 programmers left the school)